22 - 26 September 2025
The Fifth Edition of the
Young Applied Mathematicians Conference
Padua, Italy
About the Conference
The Young Applied Mathematicians Conference will focus on Numerical Modeling, Numerical Analysis, Machine Learning, and Statistics. The topics covered may include, but are not limited to: Machine Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Geometric Deep Learning, Generative Models, Natural Language Processing, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Numerical Linear Algebra, Numerical Optimization, and Uncertainty Quantification.
The Fifth Edition of the Young Applied Mathematicians Conference (YAMC) in Padova is organized by Ph.D. students and PostDocs from University of Florence, University of Padua, University of Pavia, University of Siena, IAC-CNR, and SISSA in Trieste. In particular, the conference targets Master's students, PhD students, and PostDocs interested in the fields of Numerical Modelling, Numerical Analysis, Machine Learning, and Statistics.
Each conference day will be opened by a plenary talk given by senior lecturers. The remainder of the session is dedicated to the participants, who are strongly encouraged to present their research during 30-minutes presentations (25' + 5' Q&A). Small courses (1 hour) to introduce general topics are also welcomed. To allow everyone to talk, two parallel tracks will be organized.
Each participant will be asked to pay a restrained registration fee that will cover Coffee Breaks and Social Events.
The YAMC would like to contribute to the support of women in the natural sciences. We will therefore do our best to have a 50% share of female speakers. We warmly encourage female researchers to apply to hold a class or give a presentation.
As per last year, we will publish participants' contributions in the form of a long abstract within a book of abstracts published by CNR Edizioni. Furthermore, we will also provide the opportunity of extending said contributions on a Special Issue within an indexed journal.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@yamc.it
Organize your mini-symposium
If you want, you can reserve a 2-hour slot to organise and present your own thematic session as a mini-symposium.
After a short introduction from the organiser(s), up to six participant can present their talk within the symposium. Participants presenting during the main conference can also participate in mini-symposia with a different talk.
More details about mini-symposia submission will be published shortly. For any inquire, please contact us at info@yamc.it.
We look forward to receiving your contributions! Note: You don't need to be a mathematician to participate!
* The event will be documented with photos and videos. By attending, you consent to the use of these materials for promotional purposes, including social media, our website, and other press-related activities.